It's a Perfect Relationship

Relationships aren't what they used to be. In the last decade or so, the ideals of relationships, whatever kind  they may be, have been cracked wide open and re-defined. Gone are the days of women staying at home in their high heels and pearls, waiting for their husband to return from work with a hot meal on the table. In turn the man is no longer pressured to be the sole proprietor for the family and the head of the house. Out inter personal relationships have been turned upside-down and inside out. And with such drastic changes to the definition of such relationships, the guidelines for said partnerships have also dramatically shifted.

All relationships are by no means defined by a romantic quality. Life is full of many more such important relationships that also deserve to have light shed upon it so that you can see it for what it truly is. At Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc. it is our business to form meaningful and lasting relationships. We create bonds not only with our clients, but with our applicants as well, because we are always mindful that without one of this two part component, the job marked ceases to exist. Because of our expertise in the way of relationship building, promoting, and staying we feel that we are the right avenue for both the applicant and client to learn just how important professional relationships are.

Just as relationships have taken many progressive strides in the last few decades so has  the job market. These steps at first glance may not be deemed progressive, however the current state of the economy has brought us back to the very basics of business. The employer has the right to choose not only the most qualified but the most pleasurable asset to their company because of the surplus in applicants. And so the applicant is also brought back to square one, remembering that not only do they need the correct skills, but they need the correct attitude of gratefulness and humbleness in order to enter into a new work environment. The work force is no longer a right, but a privilege. Both ends of the relationship need to remember that you are not locked in once the relationship has begun. The upkeep of any professional relationship is just as important, if not more so, than the initial moments. You must be able to have staying power. To be reliable and trust worthy is a trait that has unfortunately been lost on many people since the market crash. These skills are MORE IMPORTANT than any skill listed on your resume, or an ideas that are listed on your business plan for that matter. Commitment it the key to any relationship, and the professional working relationship is absolutely no exception.

Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc. is in the business of cultivating staying power in the community of SW Florida. In light of the beginning of a new era in all facets of life, we are delighted to impart our extensive knowledge of the ever changing job market it hopes that it will help you succeed in your professional ventures. It may take time and it may seem like things aren't changing in the direction you would like them to, but in time the cultivation of business relationships will bear fruit, and you will surely reap the rewards.

Make sure to visit our website to give us the opportunity to put our expertise to work for you. Also follow us on Facebook and Twiter for monetary updates on the job front.


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