Getting the Job One Step at A Time

It’s no secret that today’s job market is a tough one. We have seen first hand those who are extremely qualified and educated with jobs that were once secure now pounding the pavement handing out resumes for jobs they would normally be over qualified to take. This can be very discouraging to say the least, especially when even the jobs you loath to take can’t offer you employment. Here at Lori Lane Personnel, we not only strive to place you in a job that meets your qualifications, but hope to provide tips to help you on your search for that one perfect job. Yes it is important to be qualified, it is also important to be eager, but the most important thing to remember is that you are your biggest asset.

In an economy like this, it is easy to lose your confidence. If you lose your self esteem and confidence in your abilities, you might as well stay home until you find it again. No one wants to work with someone that is unsure. Keep your head up, keep eye contact and be confident, even if on the inside you are shaking in your boots. There is something to be said about someone who takes pride not only in what they do, but who they are as a person. A carefully chosen outfit and for men a clean shave can go a lot farther than you may think. A smile and remembering that please and thank you more often than not really are the magic words can make you a cut above the rest, and a desire to be the best you that you can be within a company can often get you the job.

A recent study states that a strong work ethic is the most desirable skill in applicants today. In addition to general education and meeting basic job requirements, having a go get em’ attitude is what will set you apart. A strong work ethic, being a team player, flexibility, being a good problem solver, being self directed, working well under pressure, being a quick learner, having organizational skills and creativity were also sited as sought after qualities in job candidates in corporate jobs today. Knowing that staffing choices have been widely broadened for employers while positions to fill have diminished, it is important to keep in mind that you are going to be up against many applicants that may be just as qualifies as you are. Demonstrate a willingness to learn new skills and show an eagerness to improve in  the areas where you may not be proficient. Don’t be afraid of what you don’t know. Employers are aware that there is no perfect fit, and that you will have to be trained in one way or another. In fact over one third of executives have stated that they are looking to hire and develop new talent for their company. Molding new talent is often proved more beneficial for companies as opposed to hiring someone with more experience because the employee can be trained in the exact way the company would prefer them to work, as opposed to trying to break bad habits.

We here at Lori Lane Personnel encourage you to be proactive. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Play up your strengths and find a way to put a positive spin on your weaknesses. Being organized, goal oriented and confident can only aid you in your search for the job. Lori Lane Personnel has serviced applicants in South West Florida for the past fifteen years and has strived for nothing less than perfection. In order for us to help you, you must first help yourself. Don’t allow this hard market to keep you from the job. “Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist, but the ability to start over.” – F Scott Fitzgerald.