
Happy New Year!!

Christmas is over and it finally seems like you can breathe again. All the presents have been unwrapped, all the food has been eaten, the credit card is put away, and the awkward family moments have passed. We have now entered the calm after the storm. It seems as if a huge burden has been lifted from your chest, but at the same time you somehow feel a void. Not only is the holiday season coming to an end, but so is the year. A lot can happen in a year. Lives change in a year. So now instead of having the magical distraction of Christmas looming ahead, we are now stuck with our own thoughts of reflection and self examination.
When running a race, usually the runner doesn’t look over their shoulder until they have crossed the finish line. They stay focused on the moments and happenings directly in front of them and actually leave behind the rest. The moment of completion is when they take some time to look back on what they have just accomplished. You have to know where you came from to know where you are going and how you are going to get there. Such is life. You have to know where you came from to know where you are going, but you can’t continue to look over your shoulder when the race is happening because you will miss what’s right in front of you. You have to keep going until you can’t go anymore. And when that time comes, you can see maybe a little more clearly why things happened the way that they did.
Self reflection is important. It not only reminds you of what you have done, but who you are. Words describe a person, but actions define them. So by taking survey of your actions you can in turn take survey of who you have become because of those actions. In the classic fairy tale Alice in Wonderland, Alice is quoted in saying “I can’t go back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” Never were words so true. We cannot go back to yesterday, simply because we were different then.
Change is so often times made synonymous with a negative connotation, which while such a small miss step can still cause some very large collateral damage. Change is many ways is a positive experience. It indicates growth and self improvement, which in this market is certainly necessary to thrive. At Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc. we see change as a tool. We use it to our advantage so that we can provide you with the most up to date advice and services that we possibly can. We encourage you to take this time known for self examination and do just that. If change is in order than by all means CHANGE! No one is stopping you but yourself. Lewis Carroll also wrote of Alice, “She generally gave herself good advice, (though she very seldom followed it.)” Don’t make the same mistake that little Alice did. Follow up all the good advice you have been giving yourself for years by actually applying it and we will do the same. Enjoy the close of your Holiday Season and be sure to remember Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc. in the New Year. We so look forward to working with you!

Here Comes Santa Clause!

Here comes Santa Clause. Here comes Santa Clause right down Santa Clause Lane. And he isn’t stopping! With his reindeer and trusty elves hard at work, Mr. Kringle as a certain knack for sneaking up on us. Well we may not have reindeer, and we certainly aren’t elves, we are as busy as ever in our very own North Pole. Just as the rest of the year seems to have come and gone so briskly, the Holidays seem to threaten the same fate. What would happen, we wonder, if we took some of the haste out of Christmas, and really got back to what the magic of Christmas is really meant to inspire? Furthermore, is it possible that over time, we have forgotten exactly what the magic of Christmas even is?
The holidays are a very stressful time. Not only can it be a financial burden, but it is also seen as a time of perfection. Any mishaps are suddenly zipped up and put on hold, just for the sake of wearing fake smiles and feigning comfort in a not so comfortable position. Pressure is multiplied to your daily life simply because expectations have skyrocketed, and sometimes we just can’t keep it. Most of the time it seems that the holidays are in fact this huge menacing magnifying glass, that instead of showing your good heart, show your missteps. Suddenly all you can feel is vulnerable and are confused as where to go from here.
At Lori Lane Personnel, we understand  that this is a difficult season to truly believe in the good tidings of great joy that are splayed out on every commercial, store front and credit card bill, especially in this market. However, we would like for you to find encouragement by looking at what you have, instead of what you have not.  Take this time to examine yourself, and really get back to not only the magic and joy of Christmas, but the magic and joy that inspires your daily life. What are you good at? What are your goals? How are you going to reach them? Use this valuable time to assess what was good and what might have been not so good during this past year. Once you have that under your belt, you will be able to precisely execute exactly what you want in the New Year. Where there is a will there is a way, but you have to have a really strong will in order to find the correct way for the life you can cultivate for you and your family.
We here at Lori Lane Personnel are also taking this time to be introspective. We see and are acutely aware of our successes, and our hold ups and are looking forward to using this knowledge to our aid in the New Year. We welcome the opportunity to offer the best that we have to the business community of Southwest Florida just as we have for the last sixteen years. From all of us to all of you we wish you a very Merry Christmas, and shortly after that we look forward to aiding you in your employment ventures.

It's a Perfect Relationship

Relationships aren't what they used to be. In the last decade or so, the ideals of relationships, whatever kind  they may be, have been cracked wide open and re-defined. Gone are the days of women staying at home in their high heels and pearls, waiting for their husband to return from work with a hot meal on the table. In turn the man is no longer pressured to be the sole proprietor for the family and the head of the house. Out inter personal relationships have been turned upside-down and inside out. And with such drastic changes to the definition of such relationships, the guidelines for said partnerships have also dramatically shifted.

All relationships are by no means defined by a romantic quality. Life is full of many more such important relationships that also deserve to have light shed upon it so that you can see it for what it truly is. At Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc. it is our business to form meaningful and lasting relationships. We create bonds not only with our clients, but with our applicants as well, because we are always mindful that without one of this two part component, the job marked ceases to exist. Because of our expertise in the way of relationship building, promoting, and staying we feel that we are the right avenue for both the applicant and client to learn just how important professional relationships are.

Just as relationships have taken many progressive strides in the last few decades so has  the job market. These steps at first glance may not be deemed progressive, however the current state of the economy has brought us back to the very basics of business. The employer has the right to choose not only the most qualified but the most pleasurable asset to their company because of the surplus in applicants. And so the applicant is also brought back to square one, remembering that not only do they need the correct skills, but they need the correct attitude of gratefulness and humbleness in order to enter into a new work environment. The work force is no longer a right, but a privilege. Both ends of the relationship need to remember that you are not locked in once the relationship has begun. The upkeep of any professional relationship is just as important, if not more so, than the initial moments. You must be able to have staying power. To be reliable and trust worthy is a trait that has unfortunately been lost on many people since the market crash. These skills are MORE IMPORTANT than any skill listed on your resume, or an ideas that are listed on your business plan for that matter. Commitment it the key to any relationship, and the professional working relationship is absolutely no exception.

Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc. is in the business of cultivating staying power in the community of SW Florida. In light of the beginning of a new era in all facets of life, we are delighted to impart our extensive knowledge of the ever changing job market it hopes that it will help you succeed in your professional ventures. It may take time and it may seem like things aren't changing in the direction you would like them to, but in time the cultivation of business relationships will bear fruit, and you will surely reap the rewards.

Make sure to visit our website to give us the opportunity to put our expertise to work for you. Also follow us on Facebook and Twiter for monetary updates on the job front.

It's About Who You Are, Not What You Do.

At Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc. We not only pride ourselves on offering the best service the staffing industry affords, but we also strive to accommodate our applicants. This is the purpose of this blog post: to offer quality information to the applicant so that they may thrive in the business arena her in Southwest Florida.

We feel that the most important thing that an applicant can do to put themselves forward is to actually become introspective and work on themselves not only as a professional, but as a person. Often times we identify ourselves so often by what we do as opposed to who we are within that position, that you sometimes get lost in the schuffle. It is detrimental to "know who you are" so that you can not only know what jobs are thecorrect match for you, but to know how to market yourself as a hole. An employer mostly wants to see who you are, not just what you can do.

In the staffing industry we deal with many different industries, but the formula is basically the same. We find out what qualities the employer is looking for, and find the applicant that obtains these qualities. More often than not we have several candidates up for one job, all with the same skill set. So what sets them apart? Who they are as a person. If you not only present yourself as a professional, put together, happy person, but that's who you actually are, more often than not that will put you in the running for the position. Many times there will be someone more talented then you. But if that more talented person has a horrible attitude and doesn't leave their personal problems at the door, they won't get the job. Simple as that. You must be someone that not only fulfills the needs of the business, but be someone that the employer wants to work with every day.

This job market is difficult. That's why we are here to help guide you through it. With the simple idea that you win more flies with honey than with vinegar, and that you are actually a lovely person, you may be surprised with how many opportunities come your way.

New Beginnings

There is rarely a moment in life when things stand still. Everywhere you look things
are constantly changing: New friends are being made, new doors are being opened
and new opportunities are being forged. With the opening of our new branch in Port
Charlotte, new beginnings have been on the minds of all of the Lori Lane Personnel
Services, Inc. family’s minds. When faced with a new opportunity, a default measure
of thinking is to sometimes question the validity of a new beginning. Am I headed in
the right direction? Is it even a necessary adjustment? Will we be making a
difference? Well with these sorts of questions being posed I have been spending
many moments in thought about starting fresh. I was comforted by a quote my mom
so often says, “the first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not
going to stay where you are.”
At Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc. we are striving to improve ourselves by not
staying where we are. We feel that we have a valuable service to provide, and that
the area of Charlotte County is the place where we can share it to the best of our
ability. We know that we are taking a step of faith, but if we continued to just stay
where we were, we would never fully grasp the magnitude of our full potential.
And this is the ideal that we wish for you as well. Follow our example and challenge
the idea that comfort is the best solution. Want to strive to comprehend that
magnitude of your potential, and take pride in the fact that you have room to grow.
Whether you do that through the services of our agency or in the tasks of you dayto‐
day life, we promise that the quality of your journey will improve significantly. To
know that you want to grow, and to act on it is the best gift that you can give
yourself. We have decided it was time to reward ourselves with that gift, and we
hope that you will do the same.
We are currently looking for top‐notch applicants in the Charlotte County area in the
divisions of Legal, Clerical, Accounting, Bookkeeping, Hospitality, Medical, and Light
Industrial work. We would love to put our years of expertise to work for you! Should
you be interested in registering with us, please call at 239‐489‐1588. All
appointments will be scheduled on Wed in the Port Charlotte office, or any day of
the week at our Fort Myers Location. Or you can visit our website at
Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc
315 E Olympia Avenue Suite 252
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
We look forward to working with you!
. Our new address is

Grand Opening of Port Charlotte Branch!!


Since 1995, Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc. has striven to bring the area of Lee County the best possible services that the staffing industry can offer. In our fifteen years of commitment to this goal, we have built lasting and meaningful relationships with both our clients and our applicants. In order to uphold such a reputation, we are so very proud to announce the grand opening of our Port Charlotte branch!!

You may be asking yourself, “What makes Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc. different?” The answer to this is simple. Not only does Lori Lane Personnel have wonderful rapport with each client we work with, but we are familiar with the workings and pattern that this area subscribes to not just on a professional level but on a personal one as well.

Lori Lane, CEO and president of Lori Lane Personnel Services has built very strong ties with the Port Charlotte community. Having the ability to couple her nearly two decades of business owning experience and her vast knowledge of the area, I can think of no better person to be able to usher the area of Port Charlotte into a fruitful economy. We will achieve this by supplying each of our clients with the top talent to fill needs within their company. When your company is full of top talent, you reap top results, and that is was Lori Lane Personnel Services is all about cultivating.

Lori Lane Personnel Services, Inc. also prides itself on the variety of positions we staff. We offer services in the areas of Legal, Clerical, Accounting, Hospitality, and Light Industrial work. Being able to service such a variety of openings, we have the ability to search for the ideal candidate in a much larger pool, therefore matching a top client with a top talent.  Lori Lane Personnel also adheres to the stringent ideal that with personality and a little flair for the extra details we can build and sustain meaningful relationships. We always go above and beyond for each individual client and applicant, and we strongly believe that this personal way of doing business is the key to our almost two decades on non-stop success.

We are thrilled to be bringing opportunities such as these to the Port Charlotte area. We feel that we are the best company in the area to meet the employment needs of the companies in town. We look forward to putting our expertise to work for you, and showing you just how profitable Lori Lane Personnel Services will be for Charlotte County. 

A Spoon Full Of Sugar

Everyone knows that it takes a wonderful recipe to make a wonderful cake. You can't have a mediocre recipe and expect a fabulous cake to come from it or vice versa for that matter. The great thing about recipes though, is that they spell it all our for you. As long as you use two cups of flour and a spoon full of sugar and a heaping gob of frosting, you will get exactly what the picture next to the recipe tells you that you will get. Sometimes I think it would be much easier if life had a recipe. As long as you follow the strict guidelines you will come out with the perfect career. Well, I may not be able to give you the exact measurements, but maybe we can work on what ingredients we have to work with.

When you are out in the business world, or in any world for that matter, there are so many determining factors that instead of trying to sort them out we just throw our hands up in frustration. Suddenly the sugar starts to look like salt and chocolate flakes like dirt, and we beginning to lose the meaning of what all these substances really are. Instead of putting out honey to attract the flies we lay out some vinegar, hoping for the same response. Is it just me or does that seem wasteful?

In order to be someone that clients want to hire, you must know what you are working with. Set aside the vinegar for a moment and display the best honey that you have. If you don't have as much sugar as you would like, down play the bitter chocolate so it looks like you have more sweetness than you actually do. And never forget that all of these things are renewable. Just because you don't feel sweet today, doesn't mean you won't want to tomorrow. What makes a great applicant, and a great person, is not just knowing what ingredients you have to work with and how much to use at certain times, but also to know what your employer is looking for and possibly needs more of. Your boss may be knocking on your door asking for a cup of milk, but you are too busy looking in your own fridge for orange juice that you might miss it.

While I am aware that you have to wait for opportunities to come to you, you also need to be prepared when they do arrive. You don't want to be caught with only one egg when the cake calls for four. Take time to work on yourself and rebuild what you have already used. The business world may seem like a big spoonful of cough medicine now, but maybe with your spoon full of sugar it will go down in the most delightful way.